Lower Saxony tariff

For further information, visit www.niedersachsentarif.de.

In 2013, the Lower Saxony tariff was introduced as the common local transport tariff for the railway companies operating there. It applies on all connections within Lower Saxony as well as on journeys between Lower Saxony and Hamburg or Bremen.

Tickets can be purchased:

When making your selection, the price for the selected connection will be shown in the Lower Saxony tariff.

Ticket offer:

  • Single tickets
  • Return tickets
  • Saver ticket (return)
  • Lower Saxony U21recreation card
  • Tickets for children
  • Group tickets (from six people)
  • Lower Saxony ticket/plus Ostharz/plus Groningen
  • Lower Saxony U21recreation card
  • Bicycle day ticket

For further information, visit www.niedersachsentarif.de

Season tickets:

  • transferable/individual weekly and monthly tickets, as well as annual subscription
  • weekly and monthly tickets for schoolchildren/interns/volunteers, as well as annual subscription and 
  • for selected routes (not for the entire range of season tickets).

Monthly tickets entitle the holder to travel with one extra person and up to three children on the registered route on Saturdays.

Lower Saxony ticket

With the Lower Saxony ticket, you can travel within Lower Saxony and to Bremen and Hamburg with up to four other paying passengers for an entire day. For €24 plus €5 per passenger on all local trains, buses and trams in Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg. The Lower Saxony ticket is of course also recognised on our trains.