Facts, figures & data

We have been operating modern local public rail passenger transport (SPNV) under the brand name "eurobahn" since 1999.
Ein großes Schild in Form der eurobahn wird symbolisch auf dem Bahnsteig übergeben.
January 2022

On 1 January 2022, the well-known brand name eurobahn will become the company name and Keolis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG becomes eurobahn GmbH & Co. KG. With the withdrawal of the French Keolis S.A. on 31 December 2021, eurobahn will have a new shareholder structure. TEAM Treuhand GmbH becomes a new shareholder of eurobahn via a subsidiary, SG eurobahn UG (haftungsbeschränkt).

Streckennetzplan-Darstellung des Hellweg-Netzes in Blautönen mit ihren Linien RB 50, RB 59, RB 69 und RB 89.
December 2018

The contract for the Hellweg-Netz network is extended by 12 years. In addition to the existing four-car FLIRT vehicles, five-car FLIRT trains will also be deployed, covering around 5.9 million train kilometres per year.

Streckennetzplan-Darstellung des Teutoburger-Wald-Netzes mit seinen Linien RB 61, RB 65, RB 66, RB 72 und RE 78.
December 2017

eurobahn's route network will be expanded by around 5.3 million train kilometres with the Teutoburger-Wald network. Eight five-car FLIRT multi-system vehicles will be used for cross-border operations between Germany and the Netherlands. They complement the fleet of 19 FLIRT vehicles that have been taken over from WestfalenBahn.

Seitliche Ansicht des eurostar-Triebwagens, rote Lackierung und weißes Logo. Der Zug fährt mit hoher Geschwindigkeit durch eine grüne Landschaft, der Hintergrund ist verschwommen.
December 2016

eurobahn provides train drivers for the German eurostar route network. This makes it the only private railway company that is involved in the provision of high-speed services in addition to its own regional services.

The client is SNCF Voyages Deutschland GmbH, which offers several daily connections with Thalys on the route from Aachen via Düsseldorf to Essen and Dortmund.

Streckennetzplan-Darstellung des Ostwestfalen-Lippe-Netzes mit seinen Linien RB 67, RB 71, RB 73 und RE 82.
December 2013

The OWL contract will be extended until 2025 and eurobahn's route network will be expanded to include the two lines RB 67 and RE 82. This will offer passengers improved timetable stability. The 2.2 million train kilometres per year in the East Westphalia-Lippe region are covered by comfortable diesel railcars.

Streckennetzplan-Darstellung des Maas-Rhein-Lippe-Netzes mit seinen Linien RE 3 und RE 13.
December 2009

Start of operation of the Maas-Rhein-Lippe-Netz. With 3.3 million train kilometres per year, FLIRT electric railcars provide more than 10% of the total local rail passenger transport services in Germany's most populous federal state.

Streckennetzplan-Darstellung des Hellweg-Netzes in Blautönen mit ihren Linien RB 50, RB 59, RB 69 und RB 89.
December 2008

eurobahn wins the tender for the Hellweg-Netz - the largest electrically operated railway network that has ever been awarded to a private railway company. The company acquires four-car Stadler FLIRT electric railcars for this purpose, which cover 5.6 million train kilometres a year in East Westphalia, Münsterland and the Ruhr region.

December 2007

The split between the shareholders Keolis and Rhenus results in the independent transport company Keolis Deutschland, which successfully continues the eurobahn brand. Keolis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG is a subsidiary of Keolis S.A., which in turn is a subsidiary of the French state railway Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF).

Logo: Blauer Schriftzug "eurobahn" mit zwei türkisen Linien darunter, die aussehen wie ein fahrender Zug von der Seite
Period 2003-2011

eurobahn operates eleven LINT diesel railcars (manufactured by Alstom) on the Weser and Lammetalbahn lines, covering around 1.4 million train kilometres per year. Passenger numbers on the Lammetalbahn increased by more than 100 per cent during this time.

Ein gel-weißer Dieselzug der eurobahn steht an einem Bahnsteig in Altenbeken. Frontansicht. Auf der Anzeige des Zuges ist zu erkennen, dass es sich um die RB 82 handelt.
In the year 2000

eurobahn is the first private railway to launch local rail passenger services in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region and takes over the two lines RB 71 and RB 73 in May 2000. 900,000 train kilometres per year are covered by TALENT diesel railcars (manufactured by Bombardier).

Ostwestfalen-Lippe-Netz (OWL)



RB 71, RB 73 (since 2000) RB 67, RE 82 (since 2013, all four lines until 2028)


Train-km / year

Driving volume



Talent (3-part)

Hellweg-Netz (HWN)



RB 50, RB 59, RB 69, RB 89 (since 2008, contract extension 2018 to 2030)


Train-km / year

Driving volume



25 Flirt1 (4-piece) and 5 FLIRT3 (5-piece)

Maas-Rhein-Lippe-Netz (MRLN)



RE 3, RE 13 (since 2009 until 2025)


Train-km / year

Driving volume



FLIRT1 (14x 5-piece and 4x 4-piece)

Teutoburger-Wald-Netz (TWN)



RB 61, RB 65, RB 66, RB 72, RE 78 (since 2017 until 2032)


Train-km / year

Driving volume



19 FLIRT1 (14x 3-piece and 5x 5-piece) and 8 FLIRT3 (5-piece)