Barrier-free travelling

We move people - without restriction.

For us, mobility means getting all passengers to their destination safely, comfortably and on time. Whether they are travelling with a pushchair, need a walking aid, are carrying heavy suitcases or are dependent on a wheelchair - eurobahn makes travelling as easy as possible for all people with reduced mobility. We do everything we can to ensure that our passengers reach their destination.

Frau mit Rollator steigt in einen Zug der eurobahn ein.

Registration via the mobility service centre of Deutsche Bahn Station & Service

The Mobility Service Centre organises assistance requests for your desired connection for all railway companies without restriction and will contact us without being asked.

We ask you to register your journey request in good time (ideally 48 hours before departure) to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

The following services are available to you free of charge, depending on the station:

  • A personalised service for boarding, changing and alighting on long-distance services such as ICE or IC/ EC trains and on local trains such as RE, RB, IRE and S-Bahn trains.
  • At almost 300 stations, DB Station & Service service staff are already on site or will travel to the pre-booked station to help you board, change or alight.
  • Many stations are also equipped with mobile lifting devices, ramps or electric vehicles.

Let us know your desired connection via the mobility centre hotline, email or chat. We will take care of the rest and nothing stands in the way of a comfortable journey!

Your personal contact to the Mobility Service Centre

The Mobility Service Centre can be contacted from Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. using the following contact details:

Telephone number:
030 65 21 28 88

Fax number:
030 65 21 28 99

E-mail address:

The carriage of electric wheelchairs is permitted under the following conditions:

  • A severely disabled person's pass with the G or aG mark (§3 Para. 1 No. 1 or 7 SchwbAwV) or cost coverage by the health insurance company is available and will be presented for inspection at the request of the operating staff or, if requested, handed over.
  • The electric wheelchair is approved for transport with a person sitting on it. The suitability of the power wheelchair for transport must be recognisable by a clearly visible pictogram.
  • The total weight of the power wheelchair including the driver must not exceed 300 kg.
  • The passenger must be able to reverse the electric wheelchair into the train independently, park it in the designated areas and drive out of the train independently.
  • The battery of the electric wheelchair may not be charged on the train or used as a power bank.

Is my stop barrier-free?

Check whether you can board eurobahn trains at your desired stop without any problems.

Simply enter the station name and have it displayed. For stations that are not barrier-free, you will receive additional information about alternative stations and boarding aids.


Status April 2024

Eine Frau im Rollstuhl wird von einem Kundenbetreuer von der eurobahn in einen türkisen Zug der eurobahn geschoben. Auf der linken Seite ist der Zug zu sehen und rechts davon ein sonst leerer Bahnsteig.

Step-free access to the railway station

Unfortunately, eurobahn has no influence on barrier-free access to the stations and platforms. This is the responsibility of DB Station & Service.

Passengers can ask the staff on site for help with boarding, alighting or changing trains free of charge. It is best to contact the DB Mobility Service Centre in advance to find out whether staff are available to provide assistance:

Telephone number: 030 652 128 88

Barrier-free access to the train

Our modern vehicles are equipped with ramps that compensate for the difference in height between the platform and the step. If necessary, please position yourself clearly visible on the platform so that our on-board staff can assist you.

However, as platform heights at German stations vary greatly, eurobahn cannot guarantee barrier-free boarding and alighting everywhere. Unfortunately, ramps cannot always compensate for excessive differences in height compared to our modern trains. In such situations, we do everything we can to ensure that you reach your destination. All eurobahn customers can call our free hotline for reliable support with their individual travel planning.

Route overview: step-free access to the station and onto the train

= Access to the station and from the platform into the vehicle (with the aid of a ramp if necessary) is barrier-free.

= This station is not barrier-free. Access to the platform and/or the train cannot be guaranteed, even with the aid of a ramp.

= Some platforms are not accessible without steps. Please note the additional information under"Is my stop barrier-free?"

Downloads & additional information

Download Barrierefreies Reisen - Eine Hilfestellung für mobiliätseingeschränkte Menschen

Barrierefreies Reisen - Eine Hilfestellung für mobiliätseingeschränkte Menschen Ein umfassender Überblick der 62 Bahnhöfe im ZVM-Gebiet. pdf - 3 MB

Download Karte der barrierefreien Bahnhöfe im eurobahn Streckennetz

Karte der barrierefreien Bahnhöfe im eurobahn Streckennetz pdf - 354 KB

We support the nationwide endeavours of local transport to guarantee free access to mobility for everyone. At the new railway stations in NRW, this means: no winding paths, no blocked passages, no obstacle courses. In future, platforms will be almost completely step-free. They will also be raised so that the transition between the platform and the vehicle entrance is as level as possible.

We want mobility for everyone.

If you still have problems, please contact the Deutsche Bahn mobility service or the station mission. They can help you plan your journey, provide information on the accessibility of stations and assist you with boarding, changing or alighting.

The free transport of severely disabled persons on eurobahn trains is provided in accordance with the relevant version of the German Social Code (SGB) Ninth Book (IX) §§ 145 ff.