When, how often and where does each line travel? You can find an overview and download the timetable for your route here. Stay connected!
RE 3
RE 13
RB 50
RB 59
RB 69
RB 89
RB 61
RB 72
RB 71
RB 73
RB 66
RB 65
MÜNSTER (WESTF) - RHEINEtimetable as of 10.12.2023pdf 227 KB
timetable as of 05.07.2024 bis 14.12.2024pdf 137 KB
RB 67
Der Warendorfer
MÜNSTER (WESTF) - BIELEFELDtimetable as of 10.12.2023pdf 192 KB
timetable as of 13.05.2024 bis 14.12.2024pdf 200 KB
RE 78
BIELEFELD - MINDEN - NIENBURGtimetable as of 08.04.2024 bis 19.09.2024pdf 223 KB
timetable as of 20.09.2024 bis 30.09.2024pdf 222 KB
RE 82
Construction work