Mobility guarantee

We are dedicated to ensuring that you always reach your destination on time and to sticking to the departure times stated on our timetables. Despite our best efforts, we regret that unforeseen delays can sometimes occur. In these cases you have the opportunity to take advantage of the NRW transport authorities' mobility guarantees.

If your train is delayed by over 20 minutes at your departure station or cancelled completely, you can use a long-distance train service (IC/EC or ICE) or take a taxi. The costs will be refunded thanks to the mobility guarantee – long-distance trains will be refunded in full and refunds for taxis will be €25.00 during the day or up to €50.00 in the evening or during the night (8pm to 5am) per person. This service, which is valid throughout North Rhine-Westphalia, ensures that you reach your destination no matter what.

The mobility guarantee can only be claimed with a valid ticket from the following tariffs:

  • North Rhine-Westphalia network tariffs (VRR, VRS, AVV, Westphalia tariff)
  • NRW tariff

In the case of failures due to strike action, adverse weather conditions or bomb scares, the mobility guarantee is not valid.
It also does not apply if alternative connections could be used or if you miss a connecting train due to a delay. 
The mobility guarantee does not include partial refunds of travel costs. Refunds for national rail network services are covered by your passenger rights.

You can find further information about the NRW mobility guarantee at

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Please fill in all sections of the form in block capitals. Only fully completed and signed applications can be processed.
  2. Attach the original local transport ticket or taxi receipt (one original receipt per person). If using a season ticket (e.g. monthly or job ticket), you can simply attach a copy.
  3. Please submit all documents to the transport company that caused the delay within 14 calendar days of the event. For eurobahn, please send your documents to:
    eurobahn GmbH & Co. KG
    eurobahn Customer Service Centre
    Unionstraße 3
    59067 Hamm
  4. Once we have approved your application, we will transfer the refund to your account.

You can find further information about the NRW mobility guarantee here:

The travel guarantee does not include partial refunds of travel costs. Refunds for national rail network services are covered by your passenger rights.

To receive a refund for alternative transport costs, please send in the official application form, which can be downloaded here.

Mobilitätsgarantie NRW

NRW local transport conciliation body

If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint, please contact

Schlichtungsstelle Nahverkehr
Mintropstraße 27
40215 Düsseldorf, Germany

Tel.: +49 211 3809 380
Fax: +49 211 3809 678

by post or online at

We declare ourselves ready and willing to participate in conciliation proceedings before the local transport conciliation body. Bringing proceedings before the conciliation body is free of charge and non-binding for you.